Tuesday 29 November 2011

TOM. assignment ideas. Documentry/narrative assignment.

  1. How hard it is to get a job.
  2. Lack of money due to unemployment.
  3. Could photograph a bunch of shops/businesses that have closed down.
'Leeds, 2011'
  1. Focusing on a certain kind of person around Leeds. For example, "Punks", "chavs", people of a certain age.
  2. Focusing on a certain building of area in Leeds.
  3. Focusing the streets and areas around Leeds.
  4. Photographing signs around Leeds.
  5. Photographing people in Leeds.
"Person X"
  1. Focusing on my mum, photographing things that are significant to her personally and life such as: her obsession with certain T.V shows; showing the existent of it. Her over-liking of the animal the pig. Showing the pain she has to go through each day, her routine of taking tablets. Showing how she's still happy even though she has reasons not to be and showing how strong she is. Showing her relationship with my dad and how she spends most of her time alone around the house due to not being able to work.
Idea: for the showing her tablet taking routine; have her take a photo about to have them in front of the clock each time and then edit them all together as one image.
  1. Focusing on my friend Josh, photographing aspects in life that capture his personality and explain him. Capturing his need for organization, his child-like qualities and his serious qualities and how they blend into one another and the contrast between them, photographing his emotions, favorite colour, foods and his music taste. photographing this work life, school(work wise) and home life.
  2. self portraits, and capturing images showing my own life and personally.
The theme I'm going to choose to do is 'Person X'
I'll attempt to photograph aspects both my mum and my friend as test shots... and then decide who shall be photographed mainly for my final images.

Ideas for shots of mum;
  • To the showing her tablet taking routine; have her take a photo about to have them in front of the clock each time and then edit them all together as one image.
  • To show her collection of smallville/ Superman items; have her put on one of her superman tops, her superman PJ bottoms, be on her laptop(with superman stickers on it) watching Smallville, with the dvd resting on her. I could also line up all her superman tops and take a picture of all the symbols.
  • To show her collection of pig; photograph different items she has involving the animal.
  • To show her aloneness: photograph her by herself in her room or the living room, doing what she normally does.
  • Take a picture of her tablet box and how throughout the day it goes down.
Idea's for shots of Josh to show his child-like side and his grown up side;
  • Photograph his sponge bob advent calendar paired with the old photo of some one in his family who's possibly passed on.
  • Photograph his collection of letter bracelets which spell out his name that he keeps on his windowsill.
  • Photograph his work and school timetable that he keeps on his wardrobe, always has to be on time and organized.
  • Photograph his room; how it's always tidy and clean but noting how the walls are covered with posters.
  • Photograph his work desk, how it's for serious work but also filled with little child-like things, such as a colourful rubber in the shape of an animal.

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