Monday 7 November 2011

STEVE. TASK 10. Time line of the development of art and photography.

Early and Hight Renaissance. 1400-1550.

Middle ages. 500-1400.

Byzantine and Islamic. 476 a.d- 1353 a.d

Indian, Chineses and japanese. 653 b.c- 1900 a.d

Roman. 500 b.c- a.d 476

Greek and hellenistic art. 850 b.c - 31 b.c
Egyptian. (Pyramids and tomb paintings.) 3100 b.c - 30 b.c

Mesopotamian art( Warrior art and narration in stone.) 3500 b.c-539 b.c.

Stone Age, Cave paintings. (30,000 BC-2500 b.c)

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