Friday 25 November 2011

MARIA. Julian Germain research. (TASK 2)Lo-fi zine assignment.

Julian Germain do one particular project called "For every minute you are entry you lose sixty seconds of happiness." where he spent 8 years with an old man of the name of Charles Snelling. His photographs are all focused around the idea of how you should live life in the happiest ways possible rather then focus on all the bad things happening because you'll be missing out on so much.
he spent eight years getting to know and caring for this man and admiring his passion for life and happiness. He took all the photos on a film camera.

I really love this project by Germain. I think it's really sweet and gives a great message. All the photos he took capture this old man life beautifully and I love his use of colour and lighting on the image where the old man is holding up the two flowers, I love the warmth of the image and he happiness it gives the impression of. The image above as well I love because the weather around the old man is dull and dreary but the old man expression fills the picture with light and really makes an impact about the photo, to me it gives the message that no matter how bad life gets, theres always something good you can focus on and smile about.

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