Friday 4 November 2011

TIM. Research(TASK 1) and test images(TASK 2); Photography in-camera effects. Image and text.

Tights filter. If you get some tights stretch them around the lens of your camera and put a rubber band/bobble around it to keep it in place- you'll create a soft effect on your photos.

Vaseline filter. If you smudge vaseline one your camera lens it creates a dream-like effect/blurry effect.

Bokeh photography, by cutting on a really tiny piece of card and putting it on the lens it works as a filter and puts little imprints of the shape you cut out into the picture.

Cling film filter attempts;

Nail varnish on cling film filter attempts;

My process of attempting Bokeh photography;

I attempted to do Bokeh photography with three pieces of paper stapled together and with a cross marked into it. It took me a lot of trys to get the light to turn into a cross I had to adjust my ISO many times I ended up keeping it at 200 for the best result. I changed my Aperture t multiple numbers for the best result I had it at 5.6 and I even tried to change my shutter speed to get it to work, later to find I could it without changing the shutter speed so I put it at 1/20.

I first tried to do Bokeh with a love heart filter out of the same material and a lamp, at a more closer range. I thought that the distance might have being to close and the lamp too bright so I made a more simple and smaller sized filter and used the light on my cling, I sat on the floor and fully zoomed in on the light. and these adjustments made my attempts successful compared.

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