Monday 28 November 2011

TOM. Task 5. Evaluation.

To recreate the work/style of Werner Bischof I had to create a similar composition to three of his original images, capturing my take of these images in black and white quality, editing them to look more grey scaled and making them seem from an easy time period.

To recreate the work/style of Brent Stirton I had to again create a similar composition to three of his original images, one of which I had to capture in black and white focusing on a tree in the foreground of the photo then the other two images I had to under expose the image to gain detailed and colorful skys and then use the flash to light up the subject. I edited the images as well boosting the colors to try recreate the amount of color Stirton uses in his images I also had to edit the black and white image making it more exposed to match the exposer of that of the original image Stirton had captured.

To recreate the work/style of Martin Parr I had to capture images of 9 people, edit each of black and white, lighten them to make them look aged, crop and resize them into the same sized squares, then I had to create a grid layout on photoshop, then place the images in the grids spaces to create the cube effect. The I took photos of the 9 people, grouped in threes and repeated the editing steps to create the second half of the project.

By looking at other photographers work and attempting to recreate their images I have learnt how to capture images differently, how to use composition and camera techniques better, that to get the best images possible you need to take a number of shots and keep changing the composition to get the best results. I've also learnt more about photoshop, how to create a layout of a grid for example, I've also gained a lot of knowledge on documentary photography and now understand it a great deal better.

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