Thursday 3 November 2011

TOM. Martin Parr - Research.

Martin Parr is a British documentary photography, he is well known for his work that looks critically at modern life. Parr aimed to be a photographer since the age of 14.
Martin Parr's work features irony and comedy and opened peoples eyes about the way they were living and how thing were changing/had changed.

Martin Parr's work varies between narratives shown with just one image or narratives with a sequence of images- for example one his sequences that inspire me the most is his "love cubes" which was a set of photos based on a board game he invented where the aim was to match couples back together.

Another one of his sequences that inspire me is "One Day Trip" were he followed a bus load of British shoppers on a day trip to the French hypermarkets across the channel, unfortunately the images he captured showed the people in a really bad lighting; greed, waste and litter. but Parr saw venerability in these people above all. "Their vulnerability, which is what I always look for in my work, because it's an antidote to propaganda, and vulnerability and propaganda don't go together.' - Martin Parr.

Images from Google images.

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