Friday 4 November 2011

MARIA. Ideas for theme of "home'

  • relationships/partners/love.
  • music.
  • friends house.
  • home.
  • waterfall.
  • behind a camera.
  • hugging.
  • gigs.
  • laughing.
  • You Me At Six.
i think that if I choose "behind the camera" then it would be quite interesting, I could take a mirror to different locations that I feel homely in/people and objects that make me happy/feel at home with and take a photo of myself holding up the mirror so thus It will show me behind my camera. I think this could be an interesting one to experiment with. i will defiantly try it.

Trying out the mirror Idea.
this picture is representing how behind the camera I feel like I'm home, and in the background I've got a picture of My ex boyfriend and Me- representing how when was with him I was home.

I decided to put the picture in black and white to indicate that the photo in the background is one of the past and to suggest that I'm not with him anymore; which is why I placed the mirror more forward out of the two. Also this connotes the sadness I feel at the fact things have changed.
Another Idea I had was to represent music and behind the camera; is by using the reflection of a CD to show me taking the photo of a music CD whilst holing it up infront of my "music wall." I thought this worked quite well as I really like the different idea of using something else as a mirror. I kept the colour because music really means everything to me, it becomes my light on my darkest days so I made it brighter and boosted the colour.

Although I came up with a more interesting way to do my "behind the camera" idea, I think there's too many limitations as to when I try take the photos I have to balance the mirror in my hand whilst trying to focus on the desired part of the photo and then press the shutter down which was alot harder then I thought it would be. Maybe if I found a smaller mirror to use it might work better.

I have deiced that I shall do after doing some more research macro images with a warm tone to them in a square crop. I shall use artificial light for them, but I shall try to use the natural light already available if I can help it.

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