Tuesday 29 November 2011

TOM. assignment ideas. Documentry/narrative assignment.

  1. How hard it is to get a job.
  2. Lack of money due to unemployment.
  3. Could photograph a bunch of shops/businesses that have closed down.
'Leeds, 2011'
  1. Focusing on a certain kind of person around Leeds. For example, "Punks", "chavs", people of a certain age.
  2. Focusing on a certain building of area in Leeds.
  3. Focusing the streets and areas around Leeds.
  4. Photographing signs around Leeds.
  5. Photographing people in Leeds.
"Person X"
  1. Focusing on my mum, photographing things that are significant to her personally and life such as: her obsession with certain T.V shows; showing the existent of it. Her over-liking of the animal the pig. Showing the pain she has to go through each day, her routine of taking tablets. Showing how she's still happy even though she has reasons not to be and showing how strong she is. Showing her relationship with my dad and how she spends most of her time alone around the house due to not being able to work.
Idea: for the showing her tablet taking routine; have her take a photo about to have them in front of the clock each time and then edit them all together as one image.
  1. Focusing on my friend Josh, photographing aspects in life that capture his personality and explain him. Capturing his need for organization, his child-like qualities and his serious qualities and how they blend into one another and the contrast between them, photographing his emotions, favorite colour, foods and his music taste. photographing this work life, school(work wise) and home life.
  2. self portraits, and capturing images showing my own life and personally.
The theme I'm going to choose to do is 'Person X'
I'll attempt to photograph aspects both my mum and my friend as test shots... and then decide who shall be photographed mainly for my final images.

Ideas for shots of mum;
  • To the showing her tablet taking routine; have her take a photo about to have them in front of the clock each time and then edit them all together as one image.
  • To show her collection of smallville/ Superman items; have her put on one of her superman tops, her superman PJ bottoms, be on her laptop(with superman stickers on it) watching Smallville, with the dvd resting on her. I could also line up all her superman tops and take a picture of all the symbols.
  • To show her collection of pig; photograph different items she has involving the animal.
  • To show her aloneness: photograph her by herself in her room or the living room, doing what she normally does.
  • Take a picture of her tablet box and how throughout the day it goes down.
Idea's for shots of Josh to show his child-like side and his grown up side;
  • Photograph his sponge bob advent calendar paired with the old photo of some one in his family who's possibly passed on.
  • Photograph his collection of letter bracelets which spell out his name that he keeps on his windowsill.
  • Photograph his work and school timetable that he keeps on his wardrobe, always has to be on time and organized.
  • Photograph his room; how it's always tidy and clean but noting how the walls are covered with posters.
  • Photograph his work desk, how it's for serious work but also filled with little child-like things, such as a colourful rubber in the shape of an animal.

Monday 28 November 2011

TOM. Task 5. Evaluation.

To recreate the work/style of Werner Bischof I had to create a similar composition to three of his original images, capturing my take of these images in black and white quality, editing them to look more grey scaled and making them seem from an easy time period.

To recreate the work/style of Brent Stirton I had to again create a similar composition to three of his original images, one of which I had to capture in black and white focusing on a tree in the foreground of the photo then the other two images I had to under expose the image to gain detailed and colorful skys and then use the flash to light up the subject. I edited the images as well boosting the colors to try recreate the amount of color Stirton uses in his images I also had to edit the black and white image making it more exposed to match the exposer of that of the original image Stirton had captured.

To recreate the work/style of Martin Parr I had to capture images of 9 people, edit each of black and white, lighten them to make them look aged, crop and resize them into the same sized squares, then I had to create a grid layout on photoshop, then place the images in the grids spaces to create the cube effect. The I took photos of the 9 people, grouped in threes and repeated the editing steps to create the second half of the project.

By looking at other photographers work and attempting to recreate their images I have learnt how to capture images differently, how to use composition and camera techniques better, that to get the best images possible you need to take a number of shots and keep changing the composition to get the best results. I've also learnt more about photoshop, how to create a layout of a grid for example, I've also gained a lot of knowledge on documentary photography and now understand it a great deal better.

TIM. Student Life Images. TASK 6 & 7 & 17. Image and text.

- colour matte.
I added a slight green matte to this image, I think it works well as it brings out the natural colours in the photo. This image I could, would work better from a further distance and a more straight on angle. I would also have changed the in-camera effect to a zoom in and created a warped effect towards the teddy because that would have being a good way to led the eye into the photo and with the teddy being round it would have worked really well.
- coloured vignette effect.
This effect rounds off the photo by matching with the colours within the image, it makes the photo look funky and edgy. I think the image could be improved by framing, taking the image more from a in front of the subject angle and shutter speed so the second subject wasn't blurry due to moving I also would improve it by re-taking the photo so that the second subject in the photo was more aware of it, she looks to spaced out and it doesn't suit the rest of the image.

- cross process.
I think the effect used in this image works well as I think it creates a more modern, funky effect, on the other hand I think "cross process" is a bad effect to use as it can give images an over orange tint, like my image above- This takes the effect of the other colours away. I like the image I took because of the lighting and the shallow depth of field, I think it could be improved by the croping/framing, maybe if more of the bottle was shown it would have being more effective.

- colour boost. (minor)
This image didn't need much of an effect as there was already enough going on within it, which is one of the aspects I like about this image. although I would improve it by making it less messy- I'd rearrange the objects on the table so they wasn't taking too much attention away from the students. The aspects about this image which makes it a strong one is how each student seems to be busy at work, completely focused but their smiling and seem to be in a relaxed, friendly environment. The image shows that in college you can dress how you like and be as different as you like, shows that you need to be hard working but you can still have fun doing so- it just sends off a really good message about the college.
- colour tint.
The effect colour tints have to images depends on which colour you choose for example on my image the bright vibrant blue creates a cool, happy and fun feel to the image where as the toned-down purple/yellow tint gives the image age, detail and a hint of sorrow. I'd improve this image by changing my framing and I'd zoom out abit to get more of the image in.
- Gradient effect.
This effect gives focus on one particular part of the image, shows that the student is not only on "facebook" but there also working which is something the viewer would have easily missed without the effect. I'd improve this image by adding to it's aspects, maybe take a photo of a student on the homepage rather then take an image of the home page.
-Gaussian blurred.
This effect gives the images a much stronger focal point, it makes the image look almost magical or dream- like, it gives the image something extra to draw you into it. I'd improve this image by lowering the exposure this would give more detail to the dark parts of the image and lessen the brightness of the white- making a better contrast.
- vignette effect.
This effect rounds off the image, making the subject clear and can also add flare and class to an image.
it creates a dramatic but soft framing for the image which is aesthetically pleasing.
I'd improve the lighting in this image, make it brighter and I'd take it from a more abstract angle to suggest how frustrating and confusion college work can get and also to make the image more interesting.

Over all I am unhappy with the result of the images- I think I could do them to a much better standard, I may even develop the final images further and submit another set of images to a standard I am happier with. Although my images disappoint me I think they get across student life well, the mix of work and fun is good and each image is full of color and life which was my aim at the time.

The ways I could present my work;

  • Chemical
  • Digital printing
  • Online format; photoshop, Imovie, powerpoint.
I think it would be the better idea to present my work would be in an online format then the work has no chance of getting lost of damaged. It's also cheaper and saves time. Also they'd be no chance of the photos getting cropped in the printing, loosing impact and quality of the images.

I could print of one single image for my final piece or I could print of a number of images...
I think that one image I took, is really strong in narrative and composition so I might very well just use one image for my final piece.

Friday 25 November 2011

MARIA. Marjolaine Ryley research. (TASK 2) Lo-fi zine assignment.

Marjolaine Ryley did one project called "Villa mona- A proper kind of house" where she photographed objects in her home, people in her family and times within her family life.

I really love Ryley's style as she choose to take really interesting and unique shots of her family life. I partially like how she chose in one shot to take it from an angle that cuts out the heads of the people in the foreground with the table top I find it quite humorous and it makes me think about how and why she decided to take the photo like that and what came into her mind to think of it. Also I really like how she's captured a sense of warmth in most of her photos in this project, she's used colour and lighting in a way that make the viewer feel comfortable and warm just by looking at the image.

MARIA. Julian Germain research. (TASK 2)Lo-fi zine assignment.

Julian Germain do one particular project called "For every minute you are entry you lose sixty seconds of happiness." where he spent 8 years with an old man of the name of Charles Snelling. His photographs are all focused around the idea of how you should live life in the happiest ways possible rather then focus on all the bad things happening because you'll be missing out on so much.
he spent eight years getting to know and caring for this man and admiring his passion for life and happiness. He took all the photos on a film camera.

I really love this project by Germain. I think it's really sweet and gives a great message. All the photos he took capture this old man life beautifully and I love his use of colour and lighting on the image where the old man is holding up the two flowers, I love the warmth of the image and he happiness it gives the impression of. The image above as well I love because the weather around the old man is dull and dreary but the old man expression fills the picture with light and really makes an impact about the photo, to me it gives the message that no matter how bad life gets, theres always something good you can focus on and smile about.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

TOM. Task 3. My Werner Bischof style recreation.

For the recreation of Werner Bischof I will be trying to recreate his style of black and white photography. I will be recreating these images:

I will be trying to capture images as close to the content in the images as I can get, in Black and white, I will have to make the images more exposed as the above images are a softer form of black and white.

My Recreations;

TOM. Task 3. My Brent Stirton style Recreation.

For my recreation of Brent Stirton I will be recreating these images:

The content of the images will be different in my recreations but I shall use his technique to photograph them which is: under exposing the image which will make the skys colours rich and detailed, then I'll use the flash to light up the subject.

I shall be using bold colour, wide angles, leading lines for the images.

My Recreations;

Friday 18 November 2011