Friday 17 February 2012

STEVE. Photographers research. Alison V Smith. Task 1 & 7. Painting 2 Photography assigment.

Alison V Smith has being a full time photographer since 2004. She's worked for the Dallas Morning News, Fort Woth Star Telegram, Santa Fe New Mexican and more. Interned at Los Angles Times, Dallas Times Herald and many more. She's received a huge amount of awards and produced a number of beautiful Vines on top of her clientele work and work for herself.

Links to some of her images I love:

"Over the years Allison Smith has offered various themes in her self-published zines, from iPhone (Can You Hear Me Now?) and Lomo (An Issue With L
omos) to her love for the Lone Star State (Things I Like About Texas). Her April 2011 release, "40 Days," featured shots created via the Hipstamatic app and it didn't disappoint, giving up both ethereal colors and vivid scenes." " - review from:

"her purist approach to photography in an age of digitally manipulated images, coming across without reservation." "her belief, at least in her own work, that the image shot by the photographer’s eye should be the same as that which is ultimately seen by the public."
"That seems evident: her pictures are remarkable, testifying to deep feeling about her subject and passing it on to the viewer." Article from:

Alison V Smiths photographs have a real personal touch to them when looking through her images you almost feel as if you took them yourself or like you were witnessing her taking them. There something you can relate to in her photographs that she just captures so strongly other photographers either have a strange technique/style that some find hard to grasp but no matter who looks at Alison V Smiths images there's always I sense of togetherness that you can't explain and can't deny. Paul Biddle for example has a really strange and striking imagination for his images- that many of them I find difficult to understand the concept of unlike Alison's images which I just instantly understand and I find a strange comfort in this.

Task 7, Critique;

I think this image is meant to imply the excitement and wildness that one alcoholic drink could bring or start off. This one drink starts off a world of ciaos and uncertainty that a person experiences when drinking/being out. I feel that this image shows this really well.

Technically this image is really eye catching and beautifully taken. The dramatic lighting, vibrant colour, the wide angle and shallow depth of field all represent the elements of night life- the joy and exhilaration that a night is filled with and the fact that drinking can boost the experience make it seem out of wack and like a dream which is what the photo is showing by the wide angle and bold colours.

What I'd change about this image is maybe get some people to stand in background of the composition to make it seem less deserted and more crazy as when your drunk or out drinking it seems out of control- I'd maybe add a "spill" from the drink onto the table too just to add to the composition and give some more depth to the image.

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