Friday 17 February 2012

STEVE. Deconstructing Images. TASK 8. Painting 2 Photography assigment.

Hulton Collection.

The content of this image is four dancers rehearsing on a beach. The group are clearly very talented and really focused on the routine. The photographer (Reg Speller) captured the image using a fast shutter speed so it looks as if the performers are flying as if he's trying to connote that the dancers are so graceful and swift when they move it's like their like a breeze passing by which is what their fluid but strong shapes suggest. The angle the image is taken at is a little lower than the dancers and by doing this they are angles more into the sky rather then on the horizon line linking with the connotation of flight also the angle more towards one end of the dancers rather than a full on front framing creates the effect of a machine shape suggesting that the dancers are like a well oiled machine.

The lighting in this image is perfect as it cut across the dancers arms and legs showing off their muscles in detail; showing their strength also the composition of black and white in this image is beautifully done- the contrast is spot on in my opinion and gives the image a breath taking result, a truly beautiful photograph which shows strength, team work, beauty, health, gracefulness, freedom and power all at the same time. The beach scene and dancers shapes work together to create an idea of happiness and freedom as the photographer captured a truly triumphant moment in the dancers routine and this creates something the viewers can relate to; making them think of times in their life where they've felt that short burst of perfection that is love and happiness.

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