Friday 17 February 2012

STEVE. Deconstructing Images. TASK 8. Painting 2 Photography assigment.

Tim Walker.

The content of this image is a model posing with an over-sized glove in a undistinguished scene. Because of the glove's size its almost as if the glove is wearing the model rather then the other way around and the models pose seems to be mirroring the placement of the glove as is she's trying to either match its shaping/beauty or become it. The unique cream colours of the surroundings and the glove make the black clothes the model is showcasing seem even more out of place then the giant glove filling the room which in result seems obscure compared but the darkness of her clothes matches the shadows and the darker parts of the floor and also the slimmer of black on the edge of the window to the right making the image perfectly balanced in colour and tone.

The lighting in this image is rather spectacular, highlighting all the detail of the dress and the glove, casting shaddows in all the perfect places and creating a homely tone to the image which adds to the oddness of it as nothing in this image remotely suggest home or makes sense. The angle(wide) the photo is taken at makes the room seem bigger and the model seem even smaller and fragile and although the glove is the biggest feature in the photo, the photographer has made the model central in the photo so which ever way you perceive it she will always be the most important aspect of the image and this is emphasized by her being on a stool- making her tower over the glove.

The composition in the image ironically seems to "fit like a glove" the model and the gloves seem to fit together and work with each other like puzzle pieces. They compliment each other and bring out different aspects and suggestions for each other for example the glove is a lighter colour; it's placed in a more gentle and soft way, it's delicately shown next to the strong, confident, darkness of the model; she's stood with strong lines creating edgy shapes with her clothing and pose- she and the gloves are perfect opposites but they work wonderfully together.

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