Monday 2 January 2012

TOM. task 4. further images. Person X. Documentry/narrative assignment.

This image shows another side of the medical part of the narrative for my mum, I really like the angle of this image and lighting it was took in, I think the colours works well too. I think this image add something extra to the narrative as it shows another object in which my mum basically depends on, it adds to the information about my mum and the narrative I've choose to portray but because I have too many portrait images for my final set I've chosen to not use this image.

When I first took this image I was unsure about adding it to my assignment, although I love the content of it- my mum and dad had both fallen asleep together whilst watching T.V, my mum is resting her head on a pillow on my dad and I found it so cute and I thought it would have being a lovely image to add to with the narrative of my Person X and since my mum's wearing one of her Smallville tops as well I thought it would be even more perfect to add but the quality of the image is not as clear as I'd like since there was only one light on in the room, which just happened to be pointing down on my mum as if acting like a spotlight and at the time I found the framing too close as it cut off the back of my dads head but after further consideration I found the framing interesting plus it make the subject of the image more clear as well, with only having half of my dads head and having my mum clearly being the main subject of the photo. I will be using this photo in my final images as I think it adds a real depth to the narrative, showing my mum in at her most innocent/vulnerable time and showing her relationship with my dad well.

When I went to retake the image of the Smallville signed picture in its frame- it was hung up on the wall instead of on the fireplace and I ended up liking this composition so much better then the original image idea's composition. I like the focal point/depth of field which is clearly showing the Smallville frame. I like the angle and although I didn't like the simplicity of the content in this photo at first, after slightly editing the image(increased shadows and exposure) I actually think the lack of content in the image makes it that much more interesting to look at, it almost creates a calm and clean feeling to the image and having more content in the image would have made it too busy and messy looking. This image is defiantly going to be used in my final images.

The shallow death of field in this image i really effective as it makes the viewer look at it first and read along the writing saying "Smallville" linking with the narrative, the angle of the writing makes you read down towards the blue superman shirt, then that shirt brings your eyes to the third superman shirt; leading lines are strong in the image. The white balance is off in this image as you can see it in the background- but I'm still going to use it in my final images. This is defiantly one of my weaker images in the whole set but I think it gives more information about the extent of my mum's collection of merchandise from her favorite T.V show.

This image needs to be edited a little further, making it more even rather then "slanted" looking. The shallow depth of field is effective and brings all the focus into the super man sign on the mug, linking with the narrative well. This image is defiantly another one of my weaker images in the set but I'll still be using it in my final images as it brings more information to the narrative and groups the Smallville related images together well

My focus of the image I approached differently almost like a game of "spot the difference" as the thing you wouldn't normally see in a bathroom setting is what I wanted to focus on- without actually photographing it straight on(which I did try at first) I wanted the difference to be striking to the viewer so they really understand the changes that my mum's life involves. The composition of the image is extremely effective; I distinctly moved the bottles of shampoo/conditioner to where they are on the image, I moved the shower curtain in and out of the frame and changed how much is showing less or more, I also tried many different angles in taken the image- getting less/more bath in, more/less wall in and trying to the take the image higher and lower but I found that a more straight on image was more effective. The depth of field i this image works well with the striking effect I was trying to create- as it's completely sharp on the bath seat and soft everywhere else, it really makes an impact. The lighting in the image also works well, it makes the impact of the image much more effective and creates a really nice mood.

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