Tuesday 17 January 2012

TOM. working on the image order. Person X. Narrative photogaphy.

Order Idea 3.

In this order all the medical/negative feeling images are shown first, then my mum is brought into the set and then it ends with the positive photos which show the more happier aspect of my mum. I tried this order out because I thought having the positive images last would create a feel good ending rather then a sad ending- creating a meaning like "even though there's some much to be upset about, there's always a reason to smile. You have to appreciate the little things."
Order Idea 2:

In this order I've done a mix of the negative and the positive feeling images, by doing this it gives the viewers more information about my mum as each image goes by, it keeps them interested in who this person is and keeps them in their feet about what there going to see next, 'could it be a positive thing or a negative thing?' and then the final image which reveals my mums identity to see her smiling face and Smallville jumper. - which nicely brings together all the images as a set.

Order Idea 1:

In this order I've place the positive images first and then gradually brought in the negative ones, this is to produce shock and interest from the viewer- as they realize that this person X has a more serious undertone to the narrative- to then be shown the final image of my mother who shows them the message I want to get across.
"Even though there's some much to be upset about, there's always a reason to smile. You have to appreciate the little things."

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