Friday 27 January 2012

TIM. how to make paper. Book Fair Project.

way of making paper 1;

you'll need to identical wooden frames, a piece of screening, duct tape, scissors, sponge, bucket/tub, blender, any kind of paper to recycle, flower petals or anything else you want to add to the paper, several pieces of felt, newspaper to soak up excess water.

You have to create a mold by cutting a piece of screening to fit your frame, stretching it tightly across the frame and attaching it with duct tape.

after you create the mold you start to the blend the pieces of paper first by ripping it all up into small pieces. You add warm water to the blender - it should be about 2/3 full of paper and water mixture. Turn the blender on high and blend until it's completely broken down into watery 'pulp'.

You then pour the mixture into the tub/bucket you have, making sure theres enough room to dip the mold and deckle in, then you stir it around.

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