Wednesday 4 January 2012

DERVIN. Task 10. Studio Techniques.

These are the images I've chosen as my final images which I will print and mount onto foam board. Each Images fits the red,black and white theme I proposed to do. I used High-key and
low key lighting and did a mix of close ups and wide angles.

F number- 8.
ISO- 200.
shutter speed- 1/125.

I think this image works well in the set because of the nice contrast of the three colours. You can see clearly see the red that mixes through the whole image by the nails, make-up and accessories witch matches the red in the clothes- I think this continuance of colour is ascetically pleasing.

F number- 9.
ISO- 200.
shutter speed- 1/125.

F number- 9.
ISO- 200.
shutter speed- 1/125.

F number- 9.
ISO- 200.
shutter speed- 1/125.
I think this image works well in the set because the outfit change is so apparent, it mixes up the set and keep its interesting- the colours are still mixed well and contrasted perfectly together. The pose in this image works well as by holding the cardigan behind her head is creates a lovely diagonal framing which leads you through the image.

F number- 11.
ISO- 200.
shutter speed- 1/125.
I think this image works well within the set because the background colour is so vibrant; it gives the image a more modern effect, which matches the models pose. The background being red gives a nice variety to the set, it gives it an extra something to add to it's wow factor.

F number- 7.1
ISO- 200.
shutter speed- 1/125.

F number- 7.1
ISO- 200.
shutter speed- 1/125.
I think the low key lighting pictures work well with the set because I think the clothes within the image work well together, the lighting is more dramatic and creates more a mysterious effect then the high lighting- as the person views the set theres always something new to look at keeping them really interested.

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