Friday 27 January 2012

TOM. Evaluation of Person X project. Narrative photography.

Over all I think the final set of images I took work well together because collectively they give the narrative I wanted with the message "even though there's some much to be upset about, there's always a reason to smile. You just have to appreciate the little things." I think the set of images get across this message well and tell the viewers quite a fair bit about my mum at the same time. When starting this assignment I tried a fair few ideas, splitting my focus in two and photographing two different people in two different ways- I found that I couldn't do both as successfully with the time limit I had and certain limitations with getting to the second person but after dropping one person/idea I found that I was getting further with the images, I was able to try out a lot of different compositions and a lot of different subjects with one one person X to focus on, it all became a lot easier and clearer what I wanted my final images to be like and get across.

Some of the image ideas I had didn't work as well compared to others ones (the Smallville tops compared to the walking stick) and ones I'd planned to do ended up being less appealing to me then the ones that I had no idea where going to happen(the Super man cups compared to the image of my mum and dad sleeping) over all I am content with the outcome of the final set or images.

At first in this assignment I struggled to capture images that had a clear and strong narrative, I knew what I meant by taking the images but it was unclear to anyone else looking at them what they meant unless explained which I found at when we had a group critique in class, after realizing this I decided it would be best to choose one Person 'X' and focus my time on making the narrative as clear as possible.

I really enjoyed doing this half of the assignment overall, I found it incredibly interesting to do a Person 'X' project and I learnt that the first/ most seemingly promising ideas may not always end up being the final result, that if something doesn't work out the way you thought it would, try again and maybe something even better then you imagined can come out of it. This assignment has also taught me how to create a clear and effective narrative, taught me how to choose images which work as a set and edit them all in the same way- so they look even more part of a set.

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