Friday 13 January 2012

TIM. TASK 18. Image and text; Lenses.

Most camera lenses are made up of several "lens elements" each one directs the light in order to recreate the images with the best quality possible.

The focal length of a lens determines the angle and who the subject will be magnified. Wide angles have short focal lengths and telephoto lenses have longer focal lengths. The wide angle lens exaggerates or stretches perspective and the telephoto lens compresses orflattensperspective.

factors may change lens focal length, telephoto lenses are more likely to be effected by camera shake because small hand movements become magnified and Wide angle cameras are more resistant to flare. Also the focal length of the lens may have an impact on the image; longer focal lengths require exposure time to minimize blurring caused by shaky hands.

Zoom lenses;

are handy to the photographer because they are able to vary the focal length within a range and it enables them to achieve a variety of compositions and perspectives without needing to change lenses. Zooms increase flexibility of the shot. although the less advanced zoom lenses cause image quality to lower.

telephoto lens;

How f numbers effect the image;

1- Telephoto lenses are used for paparazzi photos and sports.
2- Fish eye lenses are used for skaters, BMX riders etc.
3- Wide angle lenses are used for capturing big scenes which small lenses can't take in and for nature and wildlife shots.

4- Macro lenses areused for close up photography, to get a lot of detail in small objects.
5 -Teleconverter attches between the camera and another lens, it increases focal length of your the originally lens. (they do not allow as much light through the lens. They need slower shutter speeds and/or a fast ISO.)

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