Saturday 31 December 2011

MARIA. Task 6 and 7. Lo-Fi Zine assignment.

Photographic Zines are most commonly home made photo-books that showcase a photographers work, the photographer decide every aspect about the production of the zine- what material the paper is, how the images will be printed, how the images will be set out/shown on the page, what the front cover will look like, what the price of the zine is and where/how it will be distributed.

The cost to make the zine is dependent on the person making it, they can spend as much as they want on the producing of the zine for example a photographer spent £200 pounds making a Star Wars themed zine and how the zines are distributed is at the preference of the person producing it- but if the person want's to distribute the zine to a greater scale then they'd have to find a publisher or marketer to help them with that. There normally distributed by trade sold at various zine events and house shows The cost of distribution varies some are distributed for free other may cost 1-3 pounds but full color and "perfect" bound zines coast a least £10 or more to distribute.

There are many gallery's in which distribute and sell Zines; the areas in Leeds which do so are: The Pavilion, Impressions, Union 105, Theartmarket and Kunstfreund Gallery, East street Arts and project space Leeds.

The history of zines could be argued to start with "Underground press" even before that it could be said that zines were first existing since people began to write, copy and self-publish. Zines have being closely associated with a number of art movements in the 20th century; Journals, magazines, leaflets, mail-art, Dadaist, Surrealist, Fluxus and situationist artists have contributed techniques that had a strong influence on the zine trade. Since the 1990's many artists have used zines to create their own distributions and audiences. Zines in the united states originated when science fiction fans started posting their own stories producing the term "fanzine" a.k.a "fan magazine" which was later shortened to its most common name of 'zine'. In the 1970's when punk rock emerged the DIY ethos found itself being a big impression on zines- this ethos and the rise in technology made zines all the more popular then during the 1990's zine's continued to get even more popular when more and more people where creating e-zines.

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