Tuesday 6 December 2011

TOM. Person 'X' test shots. documentry/narrative assignment.

Images taken revolving around Paula Towler;
I will defiantly be re-taking this shot for the reason being, my white balance is off due to the tungsten lighting which is why the image has being captured with this orange tint. I also might take the photo at more of a wide angle so that more of the scene around this object can be seen, showing where the object is in the room and who it's place in an important place showing that this object means a lot to it's owner.
I really like the depth of field in this image and the angle and lighting in which is was took, I shall be keeping this for my final images. I also like how this very simple object starts to tell the viewers about the more serious side to Paula's narrative I'm showing, the photos which follow start to paint a very clear picture of her life and how having arthritis has changed her life.
I like the depth of field in this photo aswell, not too happy with the focal point though so I might retake it and try to find a more suitable focal point. I think the contents of the photo go really well with the narrative I've chosen and fit well so I shall be keeping this image, or an image like this one for my final images.

I think the content of this image is quite interesting, not too happy with the lighting, again my white balance was off because of the lighting so and I tried to edit it to be less orange but it backfired on me and seems to have changed the entire feel of the photo- making it seems less real in a way. The depth of field and the angle in this photo is what really makes it interesting, it leads you down the line of books as you get lead down you read the titles which all say the same thing- connecting well with the first image.
Images taken revolving around Josh;
For this image my ISO was too high so it has effected the quality of the image, the contents in the image don't really get across what I wanted to get across even though at the time when I captured this image I thought it would work. The colours in this image are dull which doesn't match the person's personally I was trying to show and the photo is lacking in the area to keep the attention of even me so I doubt this photo will be used in my final images. This is another image I thought would work but after having a critique to my teacher and course members I found it didn't show what I thought it did, so therefore I thought I needed to think of more clearer ways of showing Josh's childlike side. Other then the message not being as clear as I first thought, I like the depth of field, the colours and the strong leading lines within this image.
For this image when I captured it I saw sadness but also humor and sweetness- I thought the mix of having a photo of a passed away loved one paired with a children's t.v cartoon character advent calender was simply odd to say the least, I found it perfect for my narrative and it surprisingly turned out to be my favorite shot over all, but unfortunately with me not having any other luck with capturing Josh's narrative I'm most likely just going to photograph Paula for my final images.

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