Saturday 12 May 2012

Final Core Project- TASK 2; Idea Generation Techniques.

Sketches:  sketching ideas out, plans out or diagrams out is always a good way to help improve and create ideas- they can be the simplest form of doodle or pattern- anything roughly jotted down that could spark off an idea or a plan for a image- most people find sketching helpful as if they don't write/draw things down/out they would forget the idea they had or would come to try out the idea and find they should planned it differently or more thoroughly.

Thumbnails: thumbnails are helpful as they have mini versions of what the idea is, it could be a good way to see the faults in an idea and improve them without meaning to start all over again- it's a good way to see the composition of the idea you had and see if it works as well as you thought and if not its easy to move things around and change anything. You can also do thumbnail sketches.

Word Association: this is a strange and yet possibly an amazing way to generate ideas- getting in a group of people and someone starts off with a topic/word and the next person says something related to this word and so on and so forth until everyone one has said something(all the words are written down of course) and at the end the group looks through the words to see if an idea comes from any of them- Woolworths had managed to boost their markets by using this technique- someone had said the word zebra and they went onto to putting zebra crossings outside every shop so people would go straight from the crossings into the shops.

Lateral Thinking:  is a way of creating ideas by using step by step thoughts by picking one thing and building on it with obvious and creative thoughts for example; you choose an object at random, or a noun from a dictionary and associate that with the area your thinking about then think of what this thing does, why people use it, what could be improved, why should it be improved etc.

Mood Boards: Mood words are a way of creating ideas with a mix of found images all revolving around the same subject and placed on a board in random, creative ways with optional words that also can fit with the subject. This is a good way of finding out patterns/similarities within the images and this can be built into ideas and progression. The fashion industry use this idea generation technique a lot. 
Mind Mapping: mind mapping is a common form of idea generation were you wright down the topic in a circle on the page and then spark ideas off that one word in a spider form. Mind mapping can be simple and easy to read or it can be made creatively and with pictures and bright colours which also spark off ideas. This form of idea generation can be good for planning out things you want to do, an amazing way to remind yourself of what you have to do and it can also be a productive way of jotting down all the ways you can do something. 

Video: using video as a way to record down your ideas and thoughts is also a good way to idea generate, this way you can not worry about forget what your ideas were and you can put your mind to focusing on other things for the time being because your ideas will always be on the video- it also a good way to spark off new ideas as returning to old ideas can always ignite the brain of another idea at a later time.

 Inspiration from other artists: Ideas can generate a lot of the time from other peoples work, something we see could inspire us to create something either our own take on something or something completely new. Seeing or reading about a painters or photographers work could inspire someone to create something beautiful  regarding what they've seen. Also a photographer or painter that sees a dancer, a singer they can get inspired by them too.

Inspiration from other forms: Ideas can also generate from memories, places, animals- basically anything we see or experience- they can even be formed by emotions. Most people work this way without even realizing their using a technique which leads onto another form of idea generation..

Instinct: People can generate ideas from their instinct, something inside them that just knows and so the idea just happens from that instinct. "Artist are people who work from instinct and not the mind" - Henry Moore.

 Idea Generation techniques I've used:  

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