Friday 11 May 2012

Final Core Project- TASK 3: How Artists/Photographers Develop Ideas.

David LaChapelle finds inspiration in the people he photographs, he learns something about them and then aims to make it "larger than life" and bring it into a totally different unique, perspective and exaggerating it to the extreme and really showcasing that part of the subjects personally. He creates a story line behind his images and loves to use colour and originality as he was inspired by Andy Warhol. LaChapelle normally free associate about ideas, he comes up with ideas from knowing/researching the subject and how the subjects shown- hes concern is creating a beautiful image "doesn't matter what you do just make it look good." which Andy Warhol taught him.

for the Kayne West shoot- LaChapelle would have had to take inspiration from other peoples portraits of Jesus to come up with his own creation/vision of it.

David Hockey's exhibition "The Bigger Picture" was inspired by landscapes he sees, memories of past places lived also had an impact on his work as he saw each landscape with different eyes. David Hockey had being influenced by modern technology and used to iPad to create most of the paintings in the exhibition I'm sure he would have used the iPad to jot down and sketch up ideas for his work too.

Jason Pollock is an artist who's work is always inspired by his feelings at the time he creates his paintings- his aim it to try express his thoughts rather then just illustrate them. He never plans, paints/draws out his work they are always direct and he never consider any mark a mistake although he does compose his work as he hovers his brush/stick over the area he wants to splatter with paint.

Ideas and concepts play an important role in the production of visual art because without the first ideas or influences of a piece of work, the final work would not exist or be as good as it could be. They allow the artist to re-think the first idea and take different approaches to the idea, it could even be the start of a set of work rather then just one piece of work. 

Media and materials are used to convey meaning and ideas by including expensive looking props, background, clothes - this conveys power, higher class, wealth. Images filled with color and shot in an abstract why convey both craziness and creativity, color can also convey emotions and personality types. The media conveys ideas by suggesting a certain color or subject is "un cool" and shaping the minds of people who read it and see the pictures. Wide angle lenses are used to make people look abstractly shaped, to get a more detailed and wide spread shot of a landscape or to highlight someone in a paparazzi's shot. 

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