Tuesday 15 May 2012

Final Core Project; TASK 6; Band Shoot 2.

For the second rehearsal shoot I did with the band I was much more pleased with; the natural lighting was generally more stronger on this day, the singer/screamer came this time and everyone was much more used to being around the camera and making faces and giving me plenty of oportunaty to get some good shots. Plus at one point I instructed them of a composition to stand; as if I was the audience at a gig and told them to just "rock out" and got some more "composed"good shots. I also took some photographs of the band on the break and having a laugh during the rehearsal which I think is a good mix between the images of them playing and the images of them just hanging out and being boisterous. I'm very happy with the outcome of the images over all. 

^ I kept this image in because it shows them setting up for rehearsals which is something I haven't included yet within the project- the content of this image is what I aimed to get even with the knowledge I pressed to take the picture too late and this is why the bassist is caught in movement- I'd change/do differently with this image is the timing mainly, I dislike how flat the image looks too because of the lighting and angle. 

The three pictures above are possibly my favorite framing of all the rehearsal shots I did with the band, The "live" set up of the images really gives the image depth, theres so much to take in and it's filled with energy and a real sense of togetherness and enjoyment comes off them. I'll defiantly be using one of these in the exhibition. What I'd change about the images is the composition in the first image of the three the drummer is blocked out which is why in the other images I'd asked them to move so that the drummer could be seen. On all of the images I'd change if it was even possible how close I was stood to the band, I'd prefer a more free feeling images rather then "squished" into frame but unfortunately where I was stood was as far away as I could go without not being in the room with them. 

^ again the live-set up of this image I really think make it, the connection between the bassist and the guitarist is really shown here- the different levels in the picture I think really creates a laid back, rocky feel to it. What I'd change is the composition and framing a little, I'd get more of the guitarist in it and I'd move him slightly to the side but not too much, just enough to see the drummer a little better and also I'd prefer the drummer's face to be visible in the image.
^ This image is one of my favorite ones I took overall I think, the focus, the landscape format, the composition, framing and lighting all work together to create a very documentary styled image which is eye catching and full of depth, i would like to change a few things about it though if I could; I'd prefer the composition to be a little different; have the singer forward a little, less hidden behind the bassist- I'd have the bass head down a little and have the drummers face visible also I'd try to include the guitars if it didn't effect the image too much. 
^ This image is capturing the moment after a joke between the screamer and the guitarist which is why theres a cheeky feeling to this image, the friendship side of being in a band shows strongly here. The closeness of the band members signifies the closeness of their friendship and how connected/in time they have to be when playing. I'd change the angle of the image so that you can see the guitarists expression more. 

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