Friday 4 May 2012

DERVIN; Black and white film photography research; Sally Mann.

Sally Mann photography;

Below are Sally Mann's black and white film photographs. What I really like about Sally Mann's photographs here is for example in the top one shown, how raw it looks- damaged and moody and all the scratches in the image too make it look even more effective and dark. I love the vignette effect around the bottom photos shown and how they have a mix of hard and soft focus'. Most images in the landscape set seem to be content less and abandoned but so beautiful and emotionally loud which I find is a really unique aspect about her work, love how she expresses emotion without anything but a landscape and the right kind of lighting.

Toni Frissell: 

The image above is one of Frissell's most famous shots- she manages to get the image so sharp and the clarity is amazing; which is really hard to do with black and white photography. I love the effect of the water and the reflection it gives off, balancing out the image nicely, I also love the framing of the image, there's not too much water vs ground vs subject- it's just right and really eye catching and effective. 

Alin Ciortea: 

Alin Ciortea's has a style to his modern street photography that I really, really love; the shallow depth of  field, framing, lighting, subject and use of lines all work together to create a really beautiful photograph which makes me ask questions and take a real interest into the choice of camera position and subject- it just really intrigues me. I've never seen street photography like this before, it inspires me which is something street photography has never done before. 

Aneta Kowalczyk:

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