Friday 11 May 2012

Final Core Project- TASK 6; Band shoot 1 editing ideas.

The lighting in the room I did the shoot in was awkward as there was a mix of artificial lighting and natural light which even though I tried to block out I couldn't- I tried to edit the photo so that it looked more like natural lighting but I ended up not liking the image as much as the original version, I played around the color balance and found that I really loved the bold, unnatural bright colors that came our from it and then I also turned the image black and white to see the effect it would have and liked this too but I think that I'm going to settle for the pop-art colors for all the images.

after editing the images so far I no longer think I'm going to continue using the pop-art colors. The images don't look like their in a set and I prefer some colors to others- I think the colors make the image look tacky and unprofessional so I will probably do them in black and white. 

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