Sunday 13 May 2012

Final Core Project- TASK 6; Band Shoot 1 images.

For the first rehearsal shoot I did with the band I have to admit I was disappointed with it as I ended up only  really liking three of the pictures I took. There were issues with lighting and getting my white balance right and with only three out of the five band members being there I was unhappy with most of the images but I do really like the lighting on some of the pictures and like them enough that I will be using them in exhibition for sure. I feel that I didn't capture the bands personality enough with these images and I'm hoping that the next shoot I do will have a better result. Although I was disappointed with the images on the whole I don't think it was a waste of shoot, I got to meet two of the band members and find out what their like and like to photograph and this will defiantly help me on the next shoot. 

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