Thursday 29 March 2012

TOM. processing Landscape and Architecture.

Important factors within landscape and architecture photography:
  1. Quality of the image. Always shoot the images in RAW.
  2. The focus needs to be sharp and clear. If not there is no way to adjust this in the editing process, making the image taken useless.
  3. There needs to be as little noise as possible in the image. Having the ISO at it's lowest should ensure that you image quality is at it's best, and noise should be kept at bay.
  4. The Image has to be clear. There should be no camera shake, blur or motion blur.
  5. The image needs to be correctly exposed. This can be checked by using the histograms.
  6. The image needs to have an interesting composition. The composition of an image can be changed before the picture is taken, changed for another picture but after the shoot has finished, there is only two things you can do to change the composition when editing the images; by cropping and "getting rid" of for example some food wrapper that's on the floor of your landscape image.
  7. Colours and contrast. Colour and contrast can be changed in the editing process of the images, so this factor can be changed as many times as the photographer would like, to create different moods,feels and effects to the image, although considering colours in camera makes a massive different to the images result.

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