Friday 2 March 2012

MARIA.Task 1. Zine assignment.


I found this effect as the I took the pictures when on a roundabout, the background is all blurry and colorfully blended due to the movement but the subject stays clear and in focus because I'm also on the roundabout with them.

motion blur:

Motion blur is when something is moving and you have your camera on a slower shutter speed, capturing the movement.

wide depth of field:

Narrow depth of field is when the whole picture is sharpy in focus.

narrow depth of field:

Narrow depth of field is when only one point in the image is in focus and the rest is out of focus or softly focused.

fast shutter speed:

Fast shutter speeds allow you to freeze people/movements.

slow shutter speed:

Slow shutter speeds allow you to capture movements as its happening, creating a blur and the effect of the subject going really fast.

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