Monday 26 March 2012

STEVE. Experimental photography; Scannography.

Scannography is basically a type of photography where they use scanners to make/create images. By using a scanner as a camera it creates really unique effects and thus two images could never be the same because of this. Sometimes it almost looks like the contents of the image are underwater. The colours the scanner creates can change because if the subject moves alot it creates a rainbow "smudge" from where it's been and also to get the best image you have to be touching the scanner or very close to it. When using objects to create an image I love the way it turns out because it looks almost 3D and real. On the other hand I love how ridiculous is makes people look, you can even give yourself cat eyes (see the image below) you can stretch out your face, hands, feet etc- What I find most impressive though is the detail it can capture but it also has the option to distort the image if the subject is moving and it creates this beautiful, out of this world kind of feel.

^turning to scanner on it's side like a camera creates this sort of image.

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