Wednesday 26 September 2012

Peter Dench- Best Of British.

"Best Of British" is one of Peter Dench's projects that spanned out over 12 years to complete and finally publish. Dench calls himself a cheap Martin Parr; capturing comedic, unique and interesting images of British people- pretty much showing us up/exposing us in an undeniably amusing way. I find Dench's collection of images eye opening at times. I love how he's captured each image, getting really into the scene before him instead of standing back, shyly snapping away. The humour comes across so boldly in his images which is brilliant as I for one would find it hard to capture the perfect and the best composition together never mind making it humorous as well, the images are so ironic and smartly thought about but they're completely real. it's mind boggling how he's done it and therefore; beautiful.

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