Friday 28 September 2012

Abtract Fear Assignment; TASK 2 & 4

The theme we have being set is "abstract fear" the concept behind my choice of fear for the project is the Urban Legend 'Slender Man' in other words; being followed/stalked by someone. The story of Slender Man has slowly become more popular over the internet and with people throughout the years; documentary's, computer games, pranks and more have being created all obsessing over this creature-like man that's supposidly being around for century's, seen in images and videos which have over time made people become excessively fearful and aware of the Slender Man. Over many years people have claimed to be stalked and visited by Slender and the recordings, images taken over time and the famous 'Marble Hornets' home videos have led people to seriously believe that this man could be real; So for my assignment I thought I'd bring together my photography and art knowledge to create an installation and photography project on this scary stalker called Slender Man.

The information gathered about "Slender man" says he's most commonly seen around children, many children that have being seen near him have disappeared soon after. He's more likely to be in foggy streets and woodland areas as a way to hide from being seen. The Slender man always wear a black suit, he's unnaturally skinny and is able to stretch his limbs and torso to inhuman lengths.

For the assignment I shall produce a set of 5-8 images based on Slender Man and for my installation presentation I shall produce a full room installation based on Slender Man and display my images in it as well with sounds playing aloud- Bringing the Slender Man myth to life for the viewers that walk into it. I'll be using references from existing pictures of Slender that people have found/created themselves, the computer game and you tube home made videos of his sightings. My artist reference will be on Mike Nelson as talked about in task one and photography references to Julia Margaret Cameron; dead pan portraits (with a creepy sort of empty feel to them) because I want my images to have that empty feel to them that her portraits have but I also want them to show personally like they do so Slender will be dead pan in all of them. Mainly I will be using my own ideas and growing on them as I experiment with the project.

I will be bringing photography and performance art together in my installation; I'm going to have my model dressed as Slender somewhere within my installation that will be in character, scaring the viewers and really bringing the installation to life.

I went to the college library and looked for a good hour at the photography section trying to find a book or two that I could use as references as well but I couldn't find anything that I thought was helpful for the project.

Notes on my ideas for the project and the image ideas, Installation ideas and set up diagrams etc;

After looking at the room and getting informed of what
 we can/can't do I had to change my installation layout idea
the diagrams above are my ideas. I had to change my
original maze/narrow walkway idea because we aren't getting
rooms each for the installation we're sharing a really big room
and getting a section each of it; I couldn't do my walkway idea
because I'd need a fair bit of room and to be able to make the
walkway with a lengthy black curtain which would be hanging
from the ceiling but unfortunately I'm not able to do that due to
restrictions. So this led me to completely change my idea so that
instead of the people walking to Slender at the end of the walkway,
They have to walk into a "trap" (a shape formed out of exhibition
 boards) where they are forced to meet Slender when they turn
around- I may have to form a way for them to get out that's planned
 so there's no possibility of them getting stuck in my installation being
scared of slender because after all I have no idea how effectively scary
it will be for people as some may find it scarier then others.
One of the locations I have in mind to do the Slender shoots is my local park, mainly for the two woodland areas at the top of it and the other mini woodland areas scattered around the park, when in a dark lighting the woodland areas look terrifying- a perfect place to have Slender Man standing in.

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