Thursday 27 September 2012

Abtract Fear Assignment; TASK 1.

Installation is an artistic genre of work that is deigned to transform the environment of a location/room though videos,sound, sculptures, artwork, photography- or completely changing a room into an art piece to create a particular feel, effect and experience for the audience walking into it.

Bruce Nauman an American artist is one of many famous installation artists but hes also does pieces of artwork with neon lights, sculptures, photography, printmaking, drawing performance and more. Bruce Nauman is a very popular artist in America-with his interesting neon pieces and video work especially. I'm picking Nauman in particular  because of his one project "Clown Torture"a video installation in which features a clown doing multiple silly things in multiple rooms which turns into quite a disturbing, interesting piece of art- this fits in with the brief set because some people find clowns fearful. I find his choice of projects interesting but strange as he creates an atmosphere of wonder in each video as well as the unease and sometimes irritation caused by certain videos of his such as "good boy, bad boy". After seeing the different types of installation art through videos and personal experience of the 'Intervention' installations that other students of Leeds City College had created; I can understand just how different the types of installation art are and the different effects they have; changing a full room into a installation piece creates a more in your face, real experience -it creates immediate, direct alert emotions. where as video installations build up to the effect it makes on the viewer, it takes more time and makes an effect within the person rather than an expressive easily seen reaction.

Another installation artist I researched is Bill Viola; another American artist who works with/doing sound environments, video work, electronic music pieces, religious work and more I've picked Viola because of his unique ideas and strong, effective, engulfing presentations, he's known for his direct simplicity but his ideas behind the work he does seems so far from simple. One of his videos "Life, death and everything in between" the idea behind it shocks me as he chose to film the last moments of his mothers life and use it in his art- it's a beautiful idea in a sense but utterly shocking to me. Along with the moments of his mother's death he has filmed the first moments of his baby's life, which is a really beautiful idea and the contrast between the two films is over all very emotion and deep.

I've also done research on Mike Nelson, a british installation artist who is most known for creating labyrinth like installations where the viewer has to find their own way through and the entrance and exist are not difficult to determin. I love his installation "The Coral Reef" consisting of 15 rooms and many corridors all styled in different ways to look like different types of rooms; a taxi cab office, a motor bike work shop etc- The feeling that the rooms give is not knowing whats behind each door and the entire time the viewer has no idea of how to get out, stuck in this loop of  eerie, strange and unfamiliar locations and creepy unlimited doors. This is like I want my installation to be like, a personal experience for the viewer to walk in, take in my images and feel the fear building up inside them- to walk into a completely different scene where they feel exposed and unsafe, reacting to the scary soundtrack noises, getting paranoid of being followed themselves- and at the end of the installation I shall spook them with a mannequin dressed as the stalker in my images.

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