Monday 30 April 2012

TOM. Street photography with a narrative.

We had to go out and take pictures that showed a narrative of our choice, then choice three final images to make into a set that showed the narrative the best; I choice to "Construction In Leeds" as my narrative and this is my final set of three; 


I picked these three images out of all the rest because they all have very strong leading lines and shapes,  they suggest the contrast of a builders job; how most of the time their jobs keep them busy and its complex but there are times when its not as challenging as the images show activity, complexity and power. The images also work together to show a narrative of how Leeds is being rebuilt again after the recession. 

1: I feel its really strong even though there's not much going on it- it stands out from the other two images in the set because its less frantic compared to the others two, there's a distinct subject in it which the viewer can soak into it and explore whilst the other images have so much going on in them and so much to take in which is why I like them so much because the viewer will never run out of things to look at within the photo. What I'd do differently is 

2: out of the three images I prefer this one because of how much shapes, lines and linking there is within it- I love the abstract edge it has and the boost of colour that seeps through and continues throughout the image. What I'd do differently though is crop the fence out of the shot a little bit more and stand back and take the shot from further away so the buildings bring/lead the eye more into the image at a more wide angled shot which would emphasizes the details within the image. 

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