Monday 23 April 2012

TOM. Photographing Contrasts.

In this lesson we went out and took photos of contrasting areas of town. We had to photograph certain objects/"markers" of that area and find a comparison to photograph, we could make the comparison obvious or completely different to each other but it had to have a clear contrast between them. 

In this photo I wanted to photograph the difference between the cheaper shop compared to the expensive shops- I first took the 1st picture of the 99p shop sign and decided I wanted to do the same with an expensive shops sign too, an obvious approach to this comparison. 

This picture is one of the most differently compared pictures I took of inside of Leeds Market compared to the inside of Harvey Nichols- the only real similarity is the use of flags hanging from the ceilings but theres even a difference in quality between them too - this is why I love this comparison. You can see the roof of each area; the stain glass vs the cheap,bulky beams and also the main contrast of how many people are in each area; a lot vs none which highlights the money crisis were in. 

This picture is another obvious comparison, between old and new cameras- old cameras are being displayed in a shop window nowadays rather then being used like the new cameras are- a symbol of how what once was a break through for photography is no longer considered anything but a decoration.  I love the reflection of the floor in the new cameras lens too. 

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