Wednesday 10 October 2012

Abstract Fear Assignment; TASK 4 & 5.& 7

Equipment needed for installation: 
  • 3/4 white exhibition boards to display images and signs on.
  • I need to create a number of scary signs 
  • mannequin? dressed as slender(so also need to borrow the slender costume) if not mannequin then I need the model in my slender images to be there as long as he can.
  • I need to create /draw two big dead trees on some form of curtain or bed sheet etc. to hang down to create a passage way to slender. If I can't make the tree idea than I'll have to think of another way to go about it; maybe just draw an arrow pointing inwards. And my back up idea if I can't produced or use some form of curtain for this; theres a little cleaning cupboard at one end of the installation space, if I can use the area around that room, I'll get my Slender man to stand in that room until people get into the middle of my installation then he can stand out of the door when they turn around. 
  • I need to collect a box of dead/fallen autum leaves to place in front of the 'trees' so that the participators in my installation feel like their more in a forest type area then a room.  
  • I need big prints of my images.
  • I need to create the sound track that I want playing at my installation.
  • I need to pick one of the layouts I've thought of. 

I've Created some signs to put up around my images at the installation, I'm not sure if I'll use all of them though;

tried to add to red to one of them but it turned out to be more pink and underlining "Me" didn't look right so I ended up going over the whole paper with red/pink and black paint instead.

I went over my signs with a teabag and give them an old creepy look.

This will be my installation layout; 
For this layout I need 6 Slender images around the outside, and 4 signs within.

To get the size of the prints I needed I had to work out with my tutor what size the boards where, the space I wanted between the images, how big I wanted the images to be printed and then the size I'd needed to resize them to before printing. 

We worked it all out for A4 first, then had to re work it out for A3; I ended up resizing the document size of the images to 59.4 in the end. After resizing them I had to select, copy make a new document then paste the different sections of the images into different files so I could print them off on a lot of A3 pages rather then one print. After I'd printed them all off I guillotined them all down so there was no white around the images so they'd fit better together. The idea behind doing the prints as pages fits in because of the video game; the aim behind the game is you have to collect eight pages and avoid Slender to win- The prints are made up of pages; so in my installations case it's like you have to see all the pages to see all the images.. and then you get the surprise of seeing Slender in person when you've seen them. At first I wasn't too happy with the prints; quality wise and the fact they were on paper but after I'd guillotined them felt a lot better about them and I ended up rather liking the markings on the prints from the printer because they just add to the effect of the images. 

I've created the soundtrack with Adobe Premier Pro and burned it onto a disk that will be playing at my installation. I tried playing the disk on an old portable CD player connected to some speakers but the CD player wouldn't work.

During the set up of the installation I tried to find a CD player that played my CD so I could do the through speakers idea but I unfortunately ran out of time because no one in the college had a CD player! I ended up using a mac and playing my CD though itunes- it wasn't the loudest but it was enough to add an impact to the installation- I'd of defiantly used speakers though if I could have.
I tried out the mannequin idea, the only mannequin we could find was a female bodied one that wouldn't have being able to fit a suit onto because of the position it was made in. I also ended up not using the fallen leaves as I had to change the layout idea; completely trash the curtain/door idea and have Slender at the end right behind my images; there was no tree or forest reference in my installation neither did I use the scary signs I made because in the end I didn't need them to help get my narrative across. 

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