Over the past five weeks I’ve learnt many different techniques and aspects of photography which are; Marco photography (taking really close up, detailed photos of small things or small sections of large things.), Street photography (taking photos of interesting people and things happening on the streets.), Aperture and depth of field, fast and slow Shutter speeds and Painting with light.
My painting with light (using torches) didn’t work out so well because I couldn’t get the hang of writing words with the torches but with practice I was able to draw certain shapes well and painting with light using already placed lighting (street lights etc.) I thought the photos I took with them were quite good and I was happy with the way they turned out.
My macro photography , I think went well because I really tried to find interesting things to take macro images of- and by doing this is made the result of my photos better. I really enjoy using this technique and I will defiantly be using the skills I learnt for it in the future.
My street photography went good because I think I took some really interesting photos and saw things that could have good stories to match them- making them all the more interesting although I do think I could have done straight up style better if I’d of had more time and more confidence I feel rude taking pictures without peoples consent and I feel bad asking people and not knowing how they’ll react.
In the future I will practice these techniques more, defiantly focusing on the ones which I feel less confident doing such as street photography and light painting. I hope to better my skill within all of them in hopes to clearly see which technique I’m best at and in the further future I might take it further into a career.
Natalie Louise Towler.