Monday 26 September 2011


I should be on the BTEC Art and Design Photography course because I’ve had a growing passion for photography for many years now, I’ve always love the idea of capturing a moment and making a last over a lifetime, and the fact that a single second could be the difference between a picture which is truly beautiful and a picture that is just ‘ok’. Whilst on the course I have learnt that there are more aspects to a photo then I first thought, I’ve learnt about F-stops and F-numbers, aperture and ISO, which I feel has made me grow as an aspiring photographer coupled with the other lessons, which have really made me open my eyes to things around me more, I see more interesting things happening and this shows in the pictures I take and they’ve improved greatly because of this. In the course so far I really enjoyed going out and doing “Architectural photography’, I also really enjoyed learning about how to create animations with images and painting with lights. I’ve enjoyed basically everything so far in the course even the art lessons which I wasn’t looking forward to doing because I’ve never being good at drawing I was happy to find out that the art and design we do it related to photography and I’ve found that it has helped me improve my photography skills. The things I haven’t enjoyed is when we go out in massive groups and I found it more difficult to take a good amount of photos that I was happy with they could have improved by spitting the groups up. I think I could improve by really thinking about the things I’ve learnt and trying my best to make it show in my work more.

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